Mark Godine
Apr 19, 2023
Sedaro, the cloud engineering platform, goes live with its official 4.0 Release.
Arlington, VA – Sedaro is an enterprise software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform for collaborative engineering of complex systems. For three and a half years, Sedaro Corporation has been building software to modernize and accelerate the engineering of physical systems with over $4M in funding from the US Space Force, NASA JPL, and Stellar Ventures.
Sedaro leverages a modern software stack and cloud computing to enable breakthrough designs and optimized performance. It was developed to deliver virtualization software that can scale with the increasingly distributed and autonomous systems driving innovation today. As Sedaro CEO and Co-founder Robbie Robertson explains, “Our team believes that without bigger simulations and closer collaboration, humanity can’t build the future technologies we envision for ourselves - software like Sedaro must be there to handle system complexity as it continues to scale.”
A single Sedaro license allows unlimited users within an organization to utilize the software and unify modeling and simulation across their enterprise. Sedaro brings DevOps and CI/CD to system modeling for dramatic improvements in performance, collaboration, agility, and traceability. Further exploring the analogy to software engineering concepts, Sedaro digital twins serve the role of a software development environment for cyber-physical systems – a tool where all members of a team can evaluate a centralized, connected model of their system in operational scenarios.
Space is Sedaro’s current focus and where they support digital twin model fidelity. With the Sedaro 4.0 release, complex space systems can be modeled in a unified environment—enabling space mission architects, systems engineers, test engineers, and subsystem engineers to collaborate from concept design through operations. Spacecraft subsystems are highly interdependent, but existing simulation tools are discipline-specific and not readily integrated with one another. This leads to higher costs, delays, and poorly optimized systems. Sedaro unifies all disciplines in a single simulation to generate accurate analytics for high-stakes decision making or to stream data to downstream applications like AI training or optimization.
From single satellites to mega-constellations, Sedaro’s cloud-scalable simulation engine enables fast simulation of high-fidelity system models. In minutes, users can simulate, analyze, and iterate system-of-systems models – something that legacy desktop software solutions require days to achieve.
In this way, “Sedaro is the engineering analog to cloud-scalable game engines,” says Sebastian Welsh, Sedaro’s CTO and Co-founder, “Game engines are ideal for efficiently generating realistic visuals at scale, but not appropriate for engineering workloads. Sedaro delivers the tech stack interoperability, model-based systems engineering (MBSE) integration, and validated physics models needed for engineering applications. ”
Sedaro 4.0 exited beta and officially launched on April 19th at www.satellite.sedaro.com.